APOLLO Rotative Vertical Lifter can be integrated into most solutions, providing entry and exit in diferent directions, as well as multiin and muli-out. t isnot only used for the verical transpot of goods. but also realizes the automalic soring for aoods at diferent foors in the vertical direcion
APOLLO Rotative Vertical Lifter has a modular design with few moving parts and sae enclosed drive. The components are compact in structure and fiexiblein applicalion. This ingenious product can if goods to the required height,the product is alwavs transported horizontall, so the product wil not be deformedin shape. Helo customers to improve production ine eficiency and ensure their matenial handling needs are met and operation costs are reduced.
APOLLO design and customize diferen forms of infeed and outfeed conveyors according to the working process in factony, integrate them seamlesly with other delivery systems. Running direction is either upward or downward.